6 quick tips for having a beautiful but easy-to-maintain garden in Wisconsin

Joanne Kempinger Demski
Special to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
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Globe amaranth grows in Jobey Clarke's garden in Milwaukee on July 12, 2023.

Jobey Clarke designed and maintains extensive gardens at her home on Milwaukee's south side. She offers these six tips for an easy-to-care-for but beautiful garden.

Pinch back your plants

I pinch back plants after they bloom to get two sometimes three blooms each season.

Don't sleep on shrubs

Shrubs may not be pretty and they may not be cheap, but they can do something perennials can’t. They take the sharp edges off of a structure and allow it to be a part of the landscape.

Plant bulbs in fall

Buy and plant bulbs in late September/early October. To keep squirrels and bunnies away, sprinkle turmeric and any kind of ground pepper on tulips, in particular. Another way to keep squirrels and bunnies away is to plant allium bulbs, as they don’t like the smell. They’re essentially an onion with a giant bloom that resembles 4th of July fireworks.

Stay consistent with your plant selection

If you want an oasis for yourself, aim for continuity. You can achieve this by purchasing a handful of the same plants rather than one of whatever you fancy at the time. It requires more self-control, but the impact is greater on the space.

Avoid rigid lines and even numbers

Create garden beds that curve, plant in odd numbers, plant in drifts.

Add some surprises

A bit of mystery is always welcome in a garden. For example no one knows we have a tree house until you get two feet in front of the curly willow. An island flowerbed is another way to offer mystery. They compel the visitor to explore.

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